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Microdosing Kits in Toronto
Whether you’re looking to relax, unwind, or find that extra creative you’ve been looking for, microdosing can be very effective. What is microdosing, and what are microdosing kits? Is microdosing safe? How can I use microdosing to improve relational skills or heighten spiritual awareness?
As microdosing becomes more popular and more accepted, many people are reaching out to find ways that they can safely engage with psychedelic substances. It’s super important to separate fact from fiction and to lower the temperature on the misinformation that has long held microdosing captive. If you’re looking for microdosing kits in Toronto, now’s the best time to start.
What Is Microdosing?
Microdosing is the concept of consuming unnoticeable amounts of psychedelic substances such as psilocybin mushrooms or LCD. Folks who have integrated microdosing into their daily routine have reported improved concentration, better creativity, energy, superior relational skills, and more. Enthusiasts claim that microdosing can even create moments of heightened spiritual awareness and sensory enhancement. Psychedelic researchers have found that the positive effects of microdosing include positive upswings for mood disorders such as anxiety and depression.
There are life-changing benefits to microdosing, as magic mushrooms can do wonders for positive self-development. By microdosing common species of psilocybin mushrooms, users can find health benefits that might be eluded by the effects of pharmaceutical drugs.
Microdosing means taking very small amounts—sub-perceptual, as in so small that the average user won’t notice the major effects at all. Individuals who integrate sub-perceptual doses weekly might notice remarkable results.
The Importance Of Microdosing Kits
Microdosing has existed for a long time, but its recent popularity can be directly linked to the needs of the general populace. Some researchers believe that the “stoned ape theory” is paramount to our usage and growth alongside the effects of psychedelic substances—this is the idea that the evolution of the human brain is because of the consumption of psilocybin mushrooms. Ancient cultures such as the Aztecs used microdosing for various purposes, and so its resurgent popularity is a long time coming.
The effects of microdosing have been seen as safe, therapeutic, and sacred. The subculture of psychedelic use doesn’t have to remain as such; by using microdosing kits, anyone can take part in these therapeutic effects. Hundreds of thousands of people microdose worldwide, and it is becoming more and more accessible by the year. If you’ve thought about microdosing it might be time to join the thousands of people from all walks of life that rely on the effects for boosts to mental health, well-being, and creativity.
The Benefits Of Microdosing
There are many benefits of microdosing including:
- Improved creativity
- More energy
- Better state of mind
- Boosted productivity
- Enhanced focus
- Improved relationships
- Higher levels of empathy
- Heightened athletic coordination
- Better leadership development
By using Neurodose, you can increase the frequency and intensity of many states that can remain elusive. Microdosing does more than increase creativity and energy, it can create new flow states in a person that ultimately improves their productivity and focus. By microdosing, you can find the confidence to improve your relationships, increase your empathy, and assist in the development of important aspects of your life that can even boost your career.
While many people microdose for personal development, studies have shown that microdosing can help improve every aspect of a person’s life. The creative benefits are linked to new and exciting forms of consciousness, which is especially appealing to anyone that suffers from chronic anxiety, depression, or nausea. Many people have used microdosing kits to help them create new concepts, solve problems at work, or reduce procrastination. Beyond the social and athletic performance boosts, there is also a pleasant spiritual awareness that can help anyone connect with aspects of their life that have been lacking.
Microdosing Kits Decrease The Frequency Of Undesirable States
There are a number of disorders and undesirable states that plague modern life. Microdosing kits can help prevent and soothe many of them, including:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Mood disorders
- Addiction
By reducing these undesirable states, microdosing kits can improve the pleasurable feelings in a person’s life. Microdosing kits can reduce the intensity of generalized and social anxiety, the effects of ADHD, mood disorders, PTSD, and more. These kits can help create many positive changes for anyone suffering from these “mental illnesses,” and instead of pathologizing a person’s natural progression toward an actualized self, Neurodose promotes these kits that become part of an individual’s specific journey toward wellness.
Many different clinical studies have shown that small amounts of psychedelics help treat depression, anxiety, and more. Additional anecdotal evidence has shown that a regular regimen of sub-perceptual microdosing can have great healing benefits for anyone suffering from a variety of common health conditions.
Types Of Microdosing Kits
4-ACO-DMT is a “classic” psychedelic that produces similar effects to magic mushrooms or psilocybin. 4-ACO-DMT and psilocybin convert into Psilocin in your body after you ingest them, though the effects of 4-ACO-DMT last longer than traditional psilocybin—up to 7 hours instead of the 4-6.
4-ACO-DMT provides a euphoric, warm, colorful, and gentle feeling described as less jarring or nauseous than other psychedelics. With the 4-ACO-DMT kit you will find a convenient capsule microdose, beneficial effects that last up to 7 hours, and a supportive team alongside a free consultation.
1P-LSD has properties similar to traditional LSD, with anyone used to LSD finding their effects almost identical. Both LSD and 1P-LSD produce similar effects in their microdoses, helping anyone boost mood, focus, and energy throughout their day. It is recommended that you take one microdose of 1P-LSD every three days—one microdose on Day 1, then another on Day 4.
Give Microdosing Kits A Try
No matter if you decide to try 4-ACO-DMT or 1P-LSD, there are many benefits to both that have helped thousands of people. If you’re curious about microdosing in Toronto, contact Neurodose today for a free consultation; we’d love to tell you more about the incredible effects and positive aspects of microdosing. All of our microdosing kits include everything you need to begin your microdosing journey, including important instructions on how to prepare your kit.